A warm autumn (nearly winter) hello from the Authentic Exploration Matters team to you. We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving. We are looking forward to our Leading Light Gathering this weekend at The Acre on Sunday from 1-4pm. We hope to see you there! An email was sent with more specific details, but please let me know if you would like them again. As the year comes close to an end, we are looking forward to what AEM can offer to educators in the New Year!
We are continuing the development of our summer Innovation Retreat to Key Largo where we will work with Coral Restoration Foundation and more. Stay tuned for future information on this amazing experience! We are also working with several organizations to offer some engaging one day Discovery Workshops.
A few topics we are working on for those include Manatee data collection and conservation, Ocean Research and Conservation Associations’ A Day In The Life program, using graphic design and media to convert a story that promotes action, artificial intelligence, and more. Is there an experience or topic you would love to see us feature? Let me know!
This month our theme is “Adapt”. Charles Darwin once said, “it is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” Life is constantly changing and life on Earth needs to adapt to the smallest and biggest of changes we see occurring daily. This week we will be looking at viruses. When we get sick, we must learn to adapt to what that brings with it. Sometimes it is as simple as needing to carry tissues while other times we are in lockdown. When it comes to viruses, they too adapt to variables to survive. There will always be changes that life will need to adapt to.
The resources featured this week include lessons and activities such as those offered by the CDC through their graphic novel on public health that uses 3 engaging activities or their program that has students become investigators for possible outbreaks. Science Buddies has a list of great activities to get elementary students introduced to the world of viruses. We also dive into offerings such as Howard Hughes Medical Institute virus resources, the world of genomics, using technology to track viruses, how art can be used to elevate the topic, and a mathematical approach to figure out how a virus spreads. As always, if there is a topic you would like help locating resources for, please reach out and we will see how we can help you.